our projects

Gateway airport link1.3BilJohn Holland (JHSWJV) 2 areas where 1. Design director for overall design and, 2. Utility investigations, Design and 3D modelling.
Mt Ousley Interchange17MilTfNSWProject Management Utility design and Enabling works
Mamre Rd (concept design)24MilAureconIndependent Verifications of Traffic staging & Utility design
Blue Mountains (GWHUP)60MilAureconConcept design for Utilities and constructability reports
M5 Motorway Westbound40MilAureconConcept design for Utilities and constructability reports
Mamre rd. (detailed design) 38MilAureconProject management Utility design, constructability and Traffic Staging
Singleton Bypass1.2milFJAUtility Constructability reports
TenderingOngoingErtechTendering on TfNSW and private identities which is ongoing (Civil and Utilities)
Eastern CongestionOngoingTfNSWDesign management TfNSW contractors


Transport for NSW (TfNSW) are replacing the existing intersection of the Princes Motorway and Mount Ousley Road with a new intersection. The new intersection will improve access to the University of Wollongong. The concept design includes: 

  • two roundabouts
  • heavy vehicle bypass lane and a heavy vehicle exit ramp
  • two heavy vehicle safety ramps
  • relocation of the southbound entry to the motorway
  • service road between Mount Ousley Road and University Avenue
  • a commuter car park, and
  • active transport connections.

After the completion of the concept design for Mount Ousley Interchange AUPM was engaged for the constructability and design management of the relocation of all effected utilities. 

Once the design gained approval status AUPM was further engaged to manage the delivery of the relocations of all effected utilities.



AUPM partnered with John Holland and Seymour Whyte to deliver the Sydney Gateway project $2.6 billion project will strengthen Sydney’s position as a global city, return local roads to local communities, and slash travel times to and from Sydney Airport’s Domestic and International terminals.

Featuring a total of 19 bridges, including one that will be wider than the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and offering a direct connection to the new Sydney motorway network at St Peters Interchange, Sydney Gateway will streamline travel for motorists and divert up to 10,000 trucks a day from local streets. 

The project will be delivered in two sections: 

The International Terminal and Qantas Drive connection. This is a new high-capacity road connection, linking the Sydney motorway network at St Peters Interchange with Sydney Airport’s International Terminal and Qantas Drive.

Domestic Terminals access that will create an arterial road connection and flyover to Sydney Airport’s Domestic Terminals, along with improvements to existing roads towards Port Botany.

AUPM was engaged to manage Utilities Design coordination’s and carryout constructability reports to prevent future clashes of existing on proposed utilities that included staging and programming



Mamre Road is an important transport corridor in the Western Parkland City and is a key connector to the Western Sydney Employment Area and Western Sydney Aerotropolis.

The NSW Government has committed $248 million to Mamre Road upgrade between the M4 Motorway, St Clair and Erskine Park Road, Erskine Park. The project has been fast tracked as part of the NSW Governments Jobs and Infrastructure Acceleration Fund. Geotechnical investigations, utility surveys and ground surveys for the project started in early 2020.  

AUPM has partnered with Aurecon who is the Lead designer for the delivery of Stage 1. The focus for the AUPM engineers is Utility Design, 12D modelling, construction staging and construction program.



The GWHU Stage 1 & 3 involves the upgrade of the Great Western Highway corridor between Katoomba and Blackheath, and between Little Hartley and Lithgow.

This is the first stage of a broader upgrade to this corridor, and will address a critical missing link in terms of access through, and congestion within, the Blue Mountains.

It will separate local and through traffic, improving freight access, network efficiency, safety and community outcomes. It will also facilitate growth in the New South Wales central west.

Australian Government funding towards the construction of the East and West sections will facilitate the New South Wales Government continuing to fund the planning and development of the Central section of the Corridor between Blackheath and Little Hartley.

Aurecon has been engaged to deliver concept design, geotechnical and environmental services, including planning approval for the road duplication, and improved alignment and drainage for the East Package, which consists of two sections between Katoomba and Blackheath:

  • Katoomba to Medlow Bath: Rowan Lane in Katoomba to Bellevue Crescent in Medlow Bath (approximate length 3.5 kilometres)
  • Medlow Bath to Blackheath: Station Street in Medlow Bath to Tennyson Road in Blackheath (approximate length 1.8 kilometres)

AUPM has partnered with Aurecon in the delivery of concept designs for Utilities and construction staging plans.



The M5 Westbound Traffic Upgrade, which provides a new two-lane bridge over the Georges River and rail line, connecting the M5 Motorway and Moorebank Avenue to the Hume Highway. It will also include a new underpass at Moorebank Avenue, which will connect M5 Motorway westbound traffic to the Hume Highway, enabling the closure of the M5 Motorway westbound Hume Highway exit; and

The M5 Motorway/Moorebank Avenue Intersection Upgrade, which will widen three of the four interchange ramps.

Aurecon has been engaged to deliver concept design, geotechnical and environmental services, including planning approval for the road duplication, design of new bridges able to support noise walls would also address the issue of noise from the M5 at Georges River, which remains a significant source of concern for the local community. The existing bridges cannot support additional loading.

AUPM has been engaged by Aurecon to support the delivery of concept designs for Utilities and construction staging plans. 


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